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You Put What In Your Mouth?

Tony McClellan

Have you ever kept track of what you put in your body in a one week period? Have you really tracked it to see how many calories you are eating and what kind of calories they are? We all know that the "American Diet" is a cesspool of preservatives, additives, and artificial everything. What we may not know is that even if we are choosing "healthy" foods, we are most likely not getting the basic foundation nutrition that we require to function, let alone to thrive. Getting the proper nutrition is one of those "Slight Edge" principles. We don't see the effects of smart or poor choices until quite some time has pasted. If you eat a fast food combo meal today, you don't wake up obese and disease ridden tomorrow. If you eat a raw vegetable diet today, you don't wake up tomorrow as a beacon of health and wellness! However, if you repeat either of these actions day after day, you will find that in the future these paths lead to VERY different destinations.

According to Dr. Mercola, "​If you eat a balanced, whole-food diet ,you’re probably getting adequate amounts of the vitamins and minerals your body needs to function. If not (and this applies to the majority of the U.S. population), there’s a good chance you may be lacking important nutrients.

Even if you do eat well, how and where your food was grown can also influence your nutritional intake. Soil quality, storage time, and processing can significantly influence the levels of certain nutrients in your food. Your age and certain health conditions (digestive issues and others) can also impact your body’s ability to absorb the nutrients in your food.

Unfortunately, in many cases nutrient deficiencies can be difficult to assess, and you may not develop symptoms until the deficiency has become quite pronounced.

I will review 11 of the most common nutrient deficiencies and how to address them. Eating real food is usually your best bet, but sometimes supplementation may be advisable, especially if you’re showing signs of deficiency." read more

I have found a whole-food supplement system that has been a real game changer for me! In my youth, I snow skied....a lot! I had really felt the effects of those teenage ski days when I hit my 40's. My knees were always sore and I said "ouch" a lot when I stood up. I still skied, but really had to take it easy, and after a half day or so it was home to the sofa where I could put my feet up and stack the ice packs on my knees!

When I found the doTERRA Life Long Vitality supplement system, I thought to myself "I have tried lots of different supplements (and some pretty expensive ones at that!) and I doubt these will work any better than anything else I have taken." doTERRA offered a 30 day money back guarantee if I didn't notice a difference, so I said "What the heck!", and gave it a try. I didn't wake up the next morning with angels singing or with me feeling like I was 18 again or anything, but I knew that to get my money back (which is what I was planning on doing), I had to take these for 30 days.

What I found after a few more days was that I forgot that my knees hurt all of the time. I just simply forgot! My energy levels during the day were higher and I was sleeping better at night. I really had mixed emotions about all of this because I had to admit that I had been wrong about these supplements and no man likes to admit he is wrong! haha

Skip ahead to today. I have been taking the LLV regularly for a couple of years now. I got in about 35 great ski days last season and was able to enjoy the amazing Utah powder with my family. My teenage sons still look up to their old man and still TRY to keep up! They may be able to "out jump" me, but I still leave them in the dust if we are in the powder or moguls!

Anyway, I know that you need a degree in chemistry to even read the labels on most supplements and a degree in nutrition to know what your body needs. I know that EVERY supplement manufacture says that they have the greatest thing since sliced bread! I love that doTERRA puts their money where their mouth is! You have nothing to lose by trying this product! Either you will feel better and have an improved quality of life, or you'll get your money back. It is a no brainer! Click on this link and search for Life Long Vitality, and then look me up this winter and let's ski a few runs together!

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